Sunday 21 February 2010

Feb 21

I'll start with results to the hands in the last blog:

Hand 1 - I folded. I honestly can't see him ever doing this for value with worse than KQ, and it'd be a suicidal bluff (given that you all said to call I think this is true).

Hand 2 - I'm really not sure on this one. I tend to prefer betting these flops as otherwise my c-betting range becomes really weak on them, however I do see the merits of a check back and I'll probably start doing that now and see how it goes. I really wasn't sure on this one, but in the end I folded for a few reasons. 1, It's kind of obvious I have an ace and I don't think people try and bluff you off that on the river here most of the time - plus I have obviously have AT and AJ quite often. 2, It's kind of really difficult for him to have anything to bluff with. I doubt he's pure bluffing and 3-barreling that often, and he might just check down KhTx or KhJx or similar if he has them on the river. KQ backdoors it's way there too which is a consideration as KhQx or KxQh has to be a decent part of his flop semibluff range. Also, there's no reason I can't have a flush or set which protects me from being bluffed somewhat (and I can have more flushes than him as he should realise I'm opening all hearts on the btn).

Hand 3 - I think raising the flop sucks here without knowing what to do to a shove. I think we'd have to raise/call against almost all regs here if we did raise, and that doesn't seem like it can be the best play. I think there's merit to shoving the turn however. I folded the river, although I didn't really like it that much here as he should expect me to call the turn with so many pair and draw hands. Plus, he bets the turn small enough to barrel the river big and thus have more fold equity. I think I should've called this one.


The month's going really badly at the moment. I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing wrong right now so I'm just trying to review and play a lot to get a bunch of hands in and see if it'll turn around. I think I'm making some mistakes in big pots which will be adding up. So sorry if any of the hands I put seem trivial - I'm just trying to make sure I'm playing ok.

Here are some hands for today:

This is against a fish that seems really aggressive. I've only just joined the table but he's played almost every hand so far and been raising over half of them preflop. This is the first time I saw him limp call. My plan on the turn is to raise/call, or shove every river if he calls. When he donks the river into me do I call or fold?

Again this is against a fish, but I've literally just sat down and only have 7 hands on him. He's played 5 of those and not raised any. He check folded two flops and check called two when he had a medium pair. Turn - call his all in or fold?

This one's against a regular. Again I don't have much of a sample. This is the first hand I've seen him flat form the sb, but it's only from 5 samples. He 3-bet one of those and folded the others. I do have some notes on him - he check raised with a flopped flush on K86, and he also 3-bet me small blind on blind on 742 flush draw flop and I folded.

Obviously his line here is pretty weird with anything (and honestly not good in my opinion). Given that he probably defends a pretty tight range from the sb by flatting I think his range for flatting the flop is something like TT-22 (although I think he 3-bets TT sometimes, and check raises it sometimes), then AQ-AT, although AQ probably gets 3-bet and ATo folded. I don't think he should be check raising any strong hands on the turn given it's a good card for me to barrel so he should be check calling to let me fire the river.

So it seems to me like he'll have 99-33 turning itself into a bluff, or AJ a ton of the time here. Therefore I decided to call turn and call any river. What do you think?


  1. Hand 1 - I call

    Hand 2 - I probably fold, but i'd not disagree with somone who said he calls.

    Hand 3 is super weird.
    Value hands 22/TT/9s8s/QT/AQ Bluffs any weak spade draw that c/c the flop and maybe AJ or like 66? I have to concede that while realistically it would be strange for him to have a bluff here, but since it is possible and he could potentially bet worse for vlaue with QT/AQ and the line is in generally is weird - I can't fold and chalk it up to a cooler.

  2. Wow I commented massivley on this and it just hasn't saved. Cliffnotes were that I'm stacking off on all 3, in order of preference 1, 3, 2. Hand 3 especially is extremely WOT, force him to show you TT,22.
