Wednesday 24 February 2010

Feb 24

I called this one and got shown 88.


Good regular. Plays loose (29/22 ish) so has a wide defending range preflop here. He's the guy who had the AQ above. He's seen me check quite a few flops oop as the pfr with made hands, so I would think that he views my c-betting range as a little stronger than most here (although he probably expects me to c-bet this board ip very wide). I don't have any real history with him in pots where I'm the pfr in position.

I felt that this was a good three barrel spot as I can still have any set, some Kx hands (although not sure if he expects a value bet from them), and I'm obviously barrelling A5 and diamonds on the turn. Does this look good?

This player was completely unknown to me but he'd been around the tables for a couple of minutes so far. In that time he'd been super aggressive. He 3-bet me the first two hands hu, and I'd seen him 3-bet and 4-bet on a 6-max table. He'd also triple barrelled all-in twice in the very short sample.

I felt like I could call preflop here as his opening range was really wide and if I hit top pair I could just let him barrel away. I think it's probably a fold though. Postflop my plan was to c/c thrice, but then I started worrying on the river as it seems a bit of a crazy spot for him to barrel. Maybe it isn't though as he might expect a lot of pair+draw hands to peel the turn. Call or fold?

Random fish, no history at all. On the river I feel like he's bluffing an insanely small amount of the time. Does he do this for value with worse enough to call? Maybe a slowplayed AA or something retarded, maybe occasionally a bluff, J4, 65?


  1. Hand 1: I play the same pretty much, especially as your cbetting range should be perceived as stronger, but expect to get looked up from time to time from decent regs.

    Hand 2: Difficult one because villain has played so aggro, but he may have just caught cards or he may have bluffed a couple and now has cards and is using his image to look polarized and try and get paid off lighter. He must know that two pair, maybe a straight (flop c/c AsTx) or passively played small flushes make up part of your range also some % of the time, but since pair + draw combos make up the weaker part of your range and the best way to get you off the more nutted part is to overbet the river decision is a thinker. That said I think we can fold comfortably since we aren't close to the top of our range and I believe he can do this with the second nuts too as you would likely check raise the flop with the nfd, which to me at least carrys some weight in your decision since he is a tiny but less polarized even if the relative hand strength is the same.

    Hand 3: Call we has two pairs v a fish, getting a great price when we have no idea what he has and some draw missed.

  2. Hand 1. I pretty heavily dislike. 642r, or 742ss then fine there's a ton of pair+GS+ possible flush draws that call twice and fold river. I actually started doing this spreadsheet thing of 'call once' 'call twice' 'call 3' ranges on different boards, and obviously when the range of hands for calling twice is the same as calling three we shouldn't be triple barreling, but anyway...... so apart from his calling twice range being VERY similar to his calling 3 range, this is just a spot where a ton of regs are just making level 1.5 adjustments like 'ohhhhh I know what hes doing, he's barreling the K overcard, ha I'll adjust and call down my 87'. Thus, I much prefer having thin value with say 99 here. As for him putting you on a barreled fdraw, people aren't that clever.

    Hand 2: I think the opposite of the above. You say this is a crazy spot to triple barrel, I disagree 100%..... ie with the flushy pair+GS+backdoors possible. Plus KK-JJ 3bet PF, your range is just pretty darn weak- and most importantly your call 3 range differs a lot from your call 2 range. Calling 2 and giving up on this board is suicidally burning money, and given your read on villain, he sounds like he thinks the way I do so I'd be looking to call this.

    Hand 3: never ever fold. no way. if u had btm 2 pair then maybe u can find a big fold but here he can be doing worse for value as well as random spazzy bluffs. He's a fish goddamit. I've voted as such on the link, so there.

  3. I'd also like to say that I don't think it is as crazy a overbet barrel as you think Martin and one I also make.

    Result time.
